An MLS director wants recommendations for things to do by the end of 2023, and one task they should consider is confirming a required notice has been done.
Florida Realtors Legal Hotline often tells callers that their situation requires the services of a lawyer. But how do you find a lawyer? And how can you be sure you hired a good one?
For the second month in a row, private insurers took more than 90,000 policies from the Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-run “insurer of last resort.”
U.S. consumer spending – coupled with easing inflation and resilient hiring in the third quarter – raises hopes for a soft landing to offset a possible recession.
Fla.’s business rent tax, now 5.5%, drops to 4.5% on Friday. Florida Realtors advocates for a complete elimination of the tax and sees this step as a significant victory.
Every agent goes after low-hanging fruit – successful ones climb the tree. Try hosting a how-to webinar, increasing virtual networking or creating custom graphics.
After three monthly declines, the measure of Americans’ attitudes increased to 102.0 in Nov. from Oct.’s 99.1, largely due to an upswing in attitudes about the future.
A phone has the capacity to take a great picture if the person behind the phone knows what they’re doing. Lighting, layout and editing can be critical concerns.