Fannie Mae researchers: Mortgage rates in 2024 will retreat from recent highs and average 6.8% by year’s end; in turn, home sales will increase modestly over the year.
RE Q&A: Tenants don’t have to pay rent for the time their place is inhabitable. But landlords aren’t required to find them a temporary place or pay for it either.
Despite high interest rates, jobless claims this week dropped to 209K. The economy’s durability raises hopes the Fed can continue to reduce inflation without a recession.
Gathering a professional network that includes peers and a mentor is a crucial first step. Personal brands should also be adjusted to showcase your new specialty.
While the season ends Nov. 30, restoration efforts from Hurricane Idalia will go on for years in rural N. Florida, especially for those in the agriculture industry.
Frustrated would-be home buyers may be spending money that would have gone toward a house on current home renovations, vacations or on 529 college savings accounts.
FloridaCommerce: HUD has approved Fla.’s action plan for $910M in Community Development Block Grants funding for long-term recovery efforts in 20 impacted counties.
Total sales fell 14.6% year-over-year. Single-family home sales were down 4.2% month-to-month and down 14.6% year-over-year. Single-family median price was $396,100.
Tracy Kasper is now officially installed as NAR’s 2024 president, and Eric Sain, Florida Realtors’ 2019 president, is NAR’s 2024 VP of association affairs.
Nearly 6,000 policies were added last week. But that number could drop as 7 insurers were approved to assume as many as 202K policies from Citizens this week.